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Custom Color Screen

Create and customize your own color screen with various options.

Black screen

💡 Click palette to customize colors

Uses of Custom Color Screens

Create custom backgrounds

With a custom color display, you can easily create unique backgrounds for different purposes. Just choose a color and use it as a background for presentations, video calls, or creative projects.

Set the mood

Custom color themes let you set the perfect mood for any situation. Whether you need a soothing blue for relaxation or an energizing yellow for productivity, you can easily adjust the screen color to match your mood or purpose.

Color therapy

Some people use custom color displays for color therapy, believing that different colors can affect mood and well-being. By selecting specific colors, users can create an environment that promotes their desired emotional or mental state.

Color accuracy testing

Designers and developers often use custom color plates to test the color accuracy of different displays. By creating screens with specific color values, they can ensure consistency across different devices and monitors.

Create lighting effects

Custom color plates can be used to create unique lighting effects for photography or videography. By adjusting the color and brightness of the display, users can create different lighting moods without the need for expensive equipment.

Enhance focus

Similar to white displays, custom color displays can be used to improve focus during study or work sessions. Users can choose colors that help them focus without causing eye strain or distraction.

Customize workspaces

With custom color displays, users can personalize their digital workspaces to match their preferences or brand colors. This can be especially useful for content creators or streamers who want to maintain a consistent visual theme.

Accessibility purposes

Custom color displays can be beneficial for users with specific visual needs or sensitivities. By adjusting the screen color, individuals can create a more comfortable viewing experience tailored to their needs.

Digital art creation

Artists and designers sometimes use custom color monitors as a starting point for digital artwork or as a tool for color experimentation in their creative process.

Promoting Meditation and Relaxation

Like full-color displays, custom color displays can be used for meditation and relaxation. Users can select colors that they find particularly calming or energizing, depending on their goals.