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8 Creative uses for a white screen background: From drawing aid to focus tool

Discover the many uses of a simple white screen. Whether you're an artist, photographer, student, or just looking for practical solutions, white screen can be surprisingly useful in a variety of situations.

1. Artistic applications

White screen as a drawing aid

Need to trace or redraw an image? A bright white screen under your paper can make the process much easier.

Makeshift lightbox for photography

Use a white screen to light the back of a lightbox for product photography for professional-looking results.

2. Technical Uses

Monitor Diagnostics

  • Check your display for dead pixels
  • Adjust monitor settings such as vertical/horizontal position and scale
  • Validate pure color reproduction across different monitors

3. Convenient lighting solutions

Impromptu reading light

When the room is dark and the light switch is out of reach, a white screen can provide enough illumination to read comfortably.

Makeup and Photography Lighting

Create a bright, even light source for applying makeup or taking well-lit photos.

4. Productivity and Focus Tools

Distraction-free environment

Use a white screen to "blank" your display, reducing visual distractions and promoting focus during work or study sessions.

Dual-Screen Study Setup

When using two monitors to study, display a white screen on one monitor to reduce distractions when not actively searching for information.

5. Unique and unexpected uses

DIY Animation Light Table

For hand-drawn animation sequences, a white screen can serve as an impromptu light table, allowing you to see through multiple layers of paper.

Insect Attraction

Surprisingly, a white screen can be used to attract and trap small flies, making it an unconventional pest control method.

Screen Cleaning Aid

A white background makes dust and smudges more visible, making it easier to thoroughly clean your display.

6. Webcam Lighting

Improve the lighting for your video calls by using a white screen to illuminate your face.

7. Night Drawing Surface

Place paper on a white screen on a drawing tablet to create an illuminated drawing surface for nighttime sketching.


The humble white canvas proves to be a versatile tool with applications ranging from artistic pursuits to practical problem solving. The next time you need a quick solution, consider how this simple digital canvas could help.